Friday, October 10, 2008

H-K Style Sausage Bun ! 2nd Try

2nd Attemp with new yeast.
A lot better but still hard on the edge. (those joint area still little bit tough but acceptable this time) I guess i need to try more time to get the trick XD but i will give myself a B- this time!

Here is the recipe

50g bread flour
30g water
1g yeast

Mix the poolish and let it ferment on the counter for at least 2 hours.

Main Dough
Bread Flour 250g
Yeast 4g
Water 100g
Milk 60g
Sugar 13g
Salt 5g
Butter 20g
Poolish 50g

1) Mix all the ingredient and add the poolish together. Mix for 2 minute and until everything starts to come together.
2) Hand knead for a about 10mins until the dough become smooth.
3) Let the dough rise for 45-60mins until its 2-3 time the original size
4) After first rise, poke the dough and release the air inside
5) Divide the dough into 60g small dough and roll it into small ball, ( I divide it to 30g small dough to make mini bun), let the dough ball rise for another 10min.
6) Knead the dough to the shape u want. I personally prefer the spiral one better, it is softer then other shape. I think this is because it has more air inside to rise. To roll the spiral shape, follow the Spiral making image below

a. Flatten the dough ball to round sheet

b. Make a oval shape
c. Press the side to the middle like picture C and D
d. Do the same thing on the other side
e. Roll the dough out long so its shaped like a rope

7) Wrap the rolled out dough around the sausage and let it set for final rise (20-25mins)
8) Brush egg yolk to each bun if you want the bun look shinny (optional)
9) Put the bun to a pre-heated 400F oven for 12-15mins



Tammy Weaver said...

I can't wait to try these. Deuce will enjoy the hard parts!

cookingmama said...

lol Deuce will have a happy meal!!!!