Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Get a free box of Kellogg's Smart Start Strawberry Oat Bites Cereal with mail-in rebate

Get a free box of Kellogg's Smart Start Strawberry Oat Bites Cereal with mail-in rebate. Postmark by 12/31/08.


To receive a Rebate Check, complete and mail this form with following:

1. Original Cash Register Receipt with price circled. Photocopies are not accepted.
2. 1 UPC symbol from Kellogg's Smart Star Strawberry Oat Bites Cereal.
3. Request must be postmarked by 12/31/08 and received by 01/10/09
4. Mail to
Kellogg's SS Rebate Offer
P.O.Box 185589
Battle Creek, MI 4918-5589

I guess I will go buy 1 on weekend !!!!! Enjoy!!!!

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