Saturday, October 18, 2008

My new toy! DIY Potato Chip Maker

Got my new cooking toy today XD DIY Microwave Potato Chip Maker.

Rush home, wash the whole potato, cut it, arrange it, take picture and put into Microwave it!

I tried 7 mins High first, and the middle part of the chip still not crispy. Then I try with less raw potato chip with more space inside, 7 mins High and all burnt :x I think need to make few more time to get the right timing per amount of chip.

Its taste good for me, I didn’t put any salt tho. (Ate and finish all chip in 3 mins XD) It taste like store bought bake potato chip. I think next time I will grab a paper bag, put all the “ding”ed chip, add salt and mix it well then it will taste 100% like the store bought one XD
The most good thing is, its good healthy snack XD

I am going to buy sweet potato and green apple to try! I guess will taste good too!!!

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