Saturday, September 6, 2008

H-K Style Sausage Bun

I made this HK-Style Sausage Bun today /_\
When it first come out from the oven, it is so good but after few hour when it cool down, the bun getting so tough :/ I guess I didnt put enough butter? (nly 3 tablespoon for 4 cup flour XD)
I made 32 bun :x so still have tons tough tough bun to finish but i will try again!
The look of the bun is so pro !!! so just take a look now, i will improve the recipe and post it! XD


Sandra said...

Man where are you when I need you tonight! That looks really good. Is that Regular bread dough and brushed with egg?

Anyway just a sweet hello~

Unknown said...

hey they look so pro! for sure remember to post the recipe!!!!!!!